57,48 47,50 excl. VAT


May-Hegglin Anomaly (MHA) is a blood disorder that causes the formation of abnormally-large platelets, which can result in symptoms such as skin lesions and lowered platelet counts.

10 working days

€5,95 shipping and administration per order (incl. VAT)






Swab, Blood EDTA, Blood Heparin, Semen, Tissue

Mode of Inheritance


Also known as

Year Published

General information

May-Hegglin Anomaly (MHA) is a blood disorder that causes the formation of abnormally-large platelets, which can result in symptoms such as skin lesions and lowered platelet counts. This variant of the disease, caused by a dominant mutation to the gene MYH9, has been observed in the Pug.

Clinical features

Affected dogs display thrombocytopenia (lowered blood platelet counts), but might not necessarily develop any bleeding problems. Additionally, an affected dog may develop skin lesions and white plaques in the mouth following immunosuppressive treatment.

Additional information


Pubmed ID: 21554370

Omia ID: 1608

How does it work?

1. Select your product(s)

Select your single test, a CombiBreed Package or create your own Bundle.

2. Collect DNA sample

Collect DNA material as indicated with our products and send it to our laboratory.

3. Results

We handle your DNA sample with care and provide you with the results.

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