The Siamese and Burmese coat patterns are controlled by the gene TYR (tyrosinase) which produces an enzyme that is required for melanin production. The Burmese pattern is a result from reduced pigment production changing black pigment to sepia and orange to yellow. The Burmese points are darker than the body and the eyes are yellow-gray or yellow-green. The Siamese pattern shows reduced pigment production to the points and the eyes are blue. This gene is also known as Color gene or C-locus. The Coat Colour Siamese (K758) and Coat Colour Burmese (K759) combined reveal the genetic status of the C-locus. The C-locus has three variants (alleles). The C allele is dominant over the alleles cb and cs; allele cb is semi-dominant over allele cs. The dominant allele C does not have an effect on the coat colour. Two copies of the cb allele (homozygous cb/cb) results in a Burmese coat pattern. One copy of the allele cb and one copy of the allele cs (cb/cs) result in the intermediate mink colour. Two copies of the cs allele (cs/cs) results in a Siamese coat pattern.

The Coat Colour Siamese and Coat Colour Burmese tests (together C-locus) enclose the following results:

Siamese Burmese C-locus Coat Colour
N/N N/N C/C Full colour
N/N N/cb C/cb Full colour
N/N cb/cb cb/cb Burmese / Sepia
N/cs N/N C/cs Full colour
N/cs N/cb cb/cs Tonkinese / Mink
cs/cs N/N cs/cs Siamese / Pointed

In the following scheme the results of the C-locus are shown in combination with the possible results for the B-locus and D-locus:

C-Locus B-locus D-locus Coat Colour
C/C B/B, B/b or B/b’ D/D or D/d Black
C/C B/B, B/b or B/b’ d/d Blue
C/C b/b or b/b’ D/D or D/d Brown, chocolate
C/C b/b or b/b’ d/d Lilac
C/C b’/b’ D/D or D/d Cinnamon, Red
C/C b’/b’ d/d Fawn
C/cb B/B, B/b or B/b’ D/D or D/d Black
C/cb B/B, B/b or B/b’ d/d Blue
C/cb b/b or b/b’ D/D or D/d Brown, chocolate
C/cb b/b or b/b’ d/d Lilac
C/cb b’/b’ D/D or D/d Cinnamon, Red
C/cb b’/b’ d/d Fawn
C/cs B/B, B/b or B/b’ D/D or D/d Black
C/cs B/B, B/b or B/b’ d/d Blue
C/cs b/b or b/b’ D/D or D/d Brown, chocolate
C/cs b/b or b/b’ d/d Lilac
C/cs b’/b’ D/D or D/d Cinnamon, Red
C/cs b’/b’ d/d Fawn
cb/cb B/B, B/b or B/b’ D/D or D/d Sable, Seal Sepia
cb/cb B/B, B/b or B/b’ d/d Blue Sepia
cb/cb b/b or b/b’ D/D or D/d Chocolate Sepia, Champagne
cb/cb b/b or b/b’ d/d Lilac Sepia, Platinum
cb/cb b’/b’ D/D or D/d Cinnamon Sepia
cb/cb b’/b’ d/d Fawn Sepia
cb/cs B/B, B/b or B/b’ D/D or D/d Seal Mink, Natural Mink
cb/cs B/B, B/b or B/b’ d/d Blue Mink
cb/cs b/b or b/b’ D/D or D/d Chocolate Mink, Champagne Mink
cb/cs b/b or b/b’ d/d Lilac Mink, Platinum Mink
cb/cs b’/b’ D/D or D/d Cinnamon Mink, Honey Mink
cb/cs b’/b’ d/d Fawn Mink
cs/cs B/B, B/b or B/b’ D/D or D/d Seal Point
cs/cs B/B, B/b or B/b’ d/d Blue Point
cs/cs b/b or b/b’ D/D or D/d Chocolate Point
cs/cs b/b or b/b’ d/d Lilac Point, Platinum Point
cs/cs b’/b’ D/D or D/d Cinnamon Point
cs/cs b’/b’ d/d Fawn Point
