The lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6 (LPAR6) gene influences the hair formation. The Cornish Rex, Curly/woolly coat test (K502) tests for the genetic status of the LPAR6 gene. The LPAR6 gene has two variants (alleles). The allele N is dominant and does not have an effect on the coat. Only when the cat has two copies of the recessive allele CC the coat is curly/woolly. The mutation is fixed in Cornish Rex cats. The test can be used in outcrossing programs, to help breeders select the cats that can produce curly coat in the next generation.

The Cornish Rex, Curly/woolly coat test encloses the following results:

Result Cornish Rex, Curly/woolly coat test



Curly coat, unless modified by another mutation influencing hair formation


Normal coat, unless modified by another mutation influencing hair formation


Normal coat, unless modified by another mutation influencing hair formation
